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Obama: "President Does Not Have Power under Constitution to Unilaterally Authorize a Military Attack".
The Texas house has passed HB 1937, a bill that would have made invasive pat downs by TSA agents a felony. The vote was 138-0. The basis of the bill is our 4th Amendment right.
The school officials are arguing "that the First Amendment does not apply to elementary school students," explains the appeal brief submitted by Liberty Institute. Still more attacks on our Constitutional freedoms!
The First Amendment does not apply to elementary school students
April 9, 2015 marked the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War. This event, more than the Declaration of Independence, Constitution or the American Revolution, signifies the true birth of the modern American nation-state. It was on this day that the federal government first repudiated the Founding Fathers’ republican form of government-a coalition of several states that combined under the Constitution to form a central state of enumerated and sharply limited powers-and asserted a plenary sovereignty over the people. Rejecting the right of states to secede, the federal government under Lincoln abolished the very system that was supposed to come out of the revolution against the British crown, a system where smaller political units could exercise their legal and human right to overthrow or at least leave the central government that ruled them without their consent.
Declaration of Independence US Constitution Bill of Rights and Constitutional Amendments Mandated Vaccines Communist Manifesto How the World Votes The History of Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems Constitutionally of Mail-In Ballots Petition to Stop Mail-In Balloting Are Lock Downs Constitutional? Anchor Babies Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator or the Great Centralizer? What's in Your Pocket? The Missing 13th Amendment Congressional Term Limits The 12th Amendment Enumerated Powers The Meaning of 'General Welfare Is Kamala Harris Eligible to be Vice President? Does Congress have the authority to lend or give money? Article Archives
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